Tristan wallpaper in Hero Wars

Tristan Guide Hero Wars Alliance

Main Attributes Values
Position: Frontline
Function: Warrior
Main Stat: Strength
Faction: Honor
How to Farm: Events, Heroic Chest, Hero's Way Shop
Tier List 2024 Rank
Hero Tier List: S+
Hydra Tier List: A+

Strategy on how to use Tristan in Hero Wars Alliance

Underestimating Tristan is a grave mistake, as he has the potential to become a formidable S+ rank hero when placed in the right team composition.

Strengths and Abilities

Tristan shines brightest when facing teams predominantly composed of mages. His skill, "Sorcerer's Judge," is tailored to target heroes with the highest magic penetration stats, effectively draining their energy and negating their magical abilities.

Moreover, Tristan's artifacts enhance his armor penetration abilities, making him an ideal ally for heroes such as Artemis and Yasmine. When paired with them, Tristan significantly boosts their damage output, as both heroes benefit from his armor penetration, establishing a formidable presence on the battlefield. Tristan synergizes exceptionally well with teams featuring meta Artemis and meta Yasmine, making him a compelling choice for investment.

Tristan's Skills

  1. Purifier's Wrath: Tristan unleashes the might of the Demonic Reliquary on nearby enemies, dealing damage proportional to his physical attack.
    • Damage: Max(18620) - (25% Physical Attack + 75 * (Skill Level))
  2. Righteous Zeal: Tristan invokes the Light to grant Righteous Zeal to himself and allies in front of him, increasing their physical attack for a duration of 5 seconds.
    • Physical Attack Bonus: Max(12496) - (20% Physical Attack + 40 * (Skill Level))
    • Keywords: Buff
  3. Judge of Sorcerers: Tristan releases demonic souls from the Demonic Reliquary, targeting enemies with the highest Magic Penetration stat. Each hit deals damage and burns 100 energy. If no enemies possess a Magic Penetration stat, the demons target the furthest enemy instead.
    • Damage: Max(4924) - (5% Physical Attack + 25 * (Skill Level + 20))
    • Energy Burned: Max(100) - ((Skill Level + 20) - 20)
  4. Blessed Vanguard: Whenever an ally in front of Tristan gains energy, he gains the same amount of energy, further bolstering his ability to unleash powerful skills.
    • Energy Gain Chance: Chance to gain energy from an ally is lowered if the target's level is above the skill level. Max120 = (Skill Level + 40)

Tristan Talisman Guide

With the talisman, Tristan will gain 806,187 total health points and will have more health than most Hero Wars tanks. This way, it becomes more difficult to eliminate him quickly, and so he activates his armor penetration artifact more times for Artemis to cause more damage.

Furthermore, the passive ability of his main battle ally Artemis increases the physical attack according to the total amount of health of the allies, so Artemis will deal more damage when using the Death Bath skill.

Attributes of the Talisman of the Righteous
Slot Statistics Points
0 Strength +2000
1 Health +55000
2 Health +55000
3 Health +55000

Tristan Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Gains a lot of energy
  • Armor Penetration Artifact
  • Counter for mages with high magic penetration
  • Burns the energy of mages with high magic penetration

Negative Points

  • Acts more as a support for Artemis than a really warrior
  • Weak against hydras

Tristan Stats Evolution Priority

Glyphs Priority Tips:

Prioritize health glyphs to increase Tristan's durability on the battlefield, ensuring he can withstand enemy attacks for longer.

Strength is important to increase Tristan's physical attack power, allowing him to deal more damage to enemies during combat.

Increasing armor penetration is crucial to ensure Tristan's attacks can penetrate enemy defenses more effectively, maximizing his damage potential.

Additional physical attack can further increase Tristan's attack power, allowing him to deal significant damage to enemies.

Reinforcing Tristan's armor can help reduce the damage received from enemy physical attacks, thereby increasing his survival on the battlefield.

Priority Glyphs
1st Health
2nd Strength
3rd Armor Penetration
4th Physical Attack
5th Armor

Artifacts Priority Tips:

The main artifact to prioritize is the weapon that provides additional armor penetration, increasing the effectiveness of Tristan's attacks against enemies with high defense.

The ring can offer additional health or resistance benefits, improving Tristan's durability during combat.

The book can provide significant increases in Tristan's physical power and armor penetration, strengthening his abilities and increasing his potential for physical damage.

Priority Artifacts
1st Weapon (Armor Penetration)
2nd Ring
3rd Book

Skins Priority Tips:

Prioritize skins that increase Tristan's strength, thereby increasing his physical attack power and his ability to damage enemies.

Skins that increase Tristan's armor can improve his resistance to physical attacks, ensuring his survival on the battlefield for longer.

Increasing armor penetration through skins can further increase the effectiveness of Tristan's attacks, allowing him to deal more damage to enemies with high defense.

Increasing Tristan's physical attack through skins can make him even more lethal in combat, ensuring he can defeat enemies more quickly.

Reinforcing Tristan's magical defense can help protect him against enemy magical attacks, improving his durability on the battlefield.

Priority Skins
1st Strength
2nd Armor
3rd Armor Penetration
4th Physical Attack
5th Magical Defense
Tristan with Dark Depths Skin in Hero Wars Alliance
Tristan with Dark Depths Skin, Hero Wars Alliance

Tristan vs Hydra

Tristan proves to be an exceptional hero when facing off against Hydras, especially when paired with Artemis in a team composition. His abilities enable him to unleash significant damage and provide swift armor penetration support for Artemis through his artifacts.

For Water Hydra battles, Tristan's optimal team composition includes Fafnir, Dorian, Artemis, Tristan, and Galahad. This setup ensures a balanced blend of offense and defense, maximizing the team's effectiveness against the Water Hydra's challenges.

  • Tristan's team suggestion for Water Hydra: Fafnir, Dorian, Artemis, Tristan, Galahad

Tristan in Battles

Strong Against

  • Lars, Faceless, Lilith, Mojo, Orion


  • Satori, Jorgen ,Dante, Martha

Tristan Team Synergy

Tristan's synergy extends beyond mages to other heroes within his faction. He pairs exceptionally well with Galahad, granting double energy and armor penetration to compensate for Galahad's lack of armor penetration, thereby strengthening his overall effectiveness in combat.

Moreover, Tristan forms a potent duo with heroes like Artemis and Fafnir, creating synergistic teams capable of dominating opponents. Investing in Tristan's development can yield substantial dividends in team effectiveness and overall performance.

Tristan Best Teams

# Heroes
1 Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Astaroth, Julius
2 Fafnir, Tristan, Yasmine, Astaroth, Julius
3 Fafnir, Sebastian, Yasmine, Tristan, Astaroth
4 Fafnir, Judge, Yasmine, Tristan, Julius
5 Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Luther, Chabba
6 Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Luther, Cleaver
7 Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Galahad, Luther
8 Jet, Sebastian, Tristan, Galahad, Luther
9 Jet, Sebastian, Tristan, Galahad, Cleaver
10 Jet, Sebastian, Tristan, Galahad, Rufus
11 Fafnir, Artemis, Mojo, Tristan, Galahad

Tristan Guide Conclusion

Tristan's versatility and synergistic potential make him a valuable addition to any team composition, especially when facing mage-heavy opponents. His ability to provide armor penetration and energy boosts to allies, along with his solid damage output, ensures that he can hold his own in various battle scenarios.

By investing in Tristan's development and understanding his role within your team, you can significantly enhance your chances of victory in Hero Wars Alliance battles. Whether you're tackling Hydras, competing in the arena, or progressing through campaign stages, Tristan's presence can make a difference in your team's success.

Video suggestion

Video: How to level up Tristan, Hero Wars.

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